Articles & Education
Race Week Do’s and Don’ts
Ed Kornoelje, DOSports Medicine | University of Michigan Health-West You have made it to the final weeks of training—great job! What should you be doing and NOT doing as the race gets closer? Here...
One Word
Ed Kornoelje, DOSports Medicine | University of Michigan Health-West There is one word I want you to focus on this week: Believe. Whether you are a veteran or a newbie, a little doubt can creep in...
The Power of Positivity
Ed Kornoelje, DO Sports Medicine | University of Michigan Health-West “Be slow to criticize and quick to commend.” John Wooden If you have gotten to know me in person or through my articles you...
Six for Six
Ed Kornoelje, DO Sports Medicine | University of Michigan Health-West We are about six weeks out from the SHE RUNS race weekend. Here are six things to keep in mind in the final weeks of...
Simply Embrace
Ed Kornoelje, DO Sports Medicine | University of Michigan Health-West March 8 is International Women’s Day. Some of you may wonder what qualifications I might have to write about this day,...
On With the Shoe…
Ed Kornoelje DO Sports Medicine | University of Michigan Health-West In case you hadn’t guessed we are going to talk shoes, and in particular cushioning. One of the benefits for me in going...
Running In Cold Weather – How to Keep the Momentum Going (Or Get Started in the First Place)
Ed Kornoelje, DO With all of the snow and so far this season (and more to come), what’s the best way to keep a good thing (training for SHE RUNS GR) going, or get started? Cold weather has...
To Stretch or Not to Stretch…
Ed Kornoelje, DOSports Medicine | University of Michigan Health-West Ever have deep discussions with friends while running? I am sure many of you do—and so do I. Sometimes my deeps...
Get Moving Now (So You Can Keep Moving Later)
By Dr. Ed Kornoelje | Sports Medicine April 30, 2023. SHE RUNS Grand Rapids. Not exactly around corner—or is it? Mosthalf-marathon training programs are 10-14 weeks in length, some 16-18, and even...