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Breastfeeding Support Group

All moms and babies are welcome to come together to allow breastfeeding mothers to support each other through the sharing of their unique breastfeeding journeys and experiences while receiving support from a certified lactation consultant. This group is designed to help moms gain confidence in breastfeeding through friendship and encouragement. This group will meet on the 2nd floor in the Mike and Beverly Faas Classroom. Registration required.


If registration is closed, but you would still like to attend, please call 616-252-7894 to register.


Every Thursday


1-2:30 pm





Registration required.



Attendee 1

Emails are only used for registration purposes only. If classes are cancelled or rescheduled, you will be notified via email or by phone by our staff. You will NOT receive unsolicited emails from UMH-W when providing your email address.

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