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To decrease the potential for infection/contamination
- Hand washing sinks in every room, hand sanitizers throughout the facility.
- Making all rooms private reduces contact with other patients and visitors.
- Decontamination rooms allow for isolation of infectious patients.
- Outpatient departments located nearest entrances, reducing unnecessary traffic through inpatient areas.
To provide overall improved safety
- State-of-the-art access control system, fire alarm system, and infant security system, connected to central command center.
To reduce the potential for falls
- Handrails in many hallways and other areas.
- Heated sidewalks at main public entrances.
- Floor patterning in patient rooms designed to minimize contrasts for visually impaired and elderly.
To promote standardization of care to all patients
- Uniform room design for consistent placement of equipment.
- Standardization of nurse call system throughout the hospital.
To promote safe patient handling
- Over-the-bed lift devices in several rooms.
- Use of tile instead of carpeting to reduce push/pull effort when transporting patients.
To decrease time in responding to patient needs
- Use of Vocera communication devices.
To promote the health and well-being of patients, staff, visitors, others
- Non-smoking campus.
- Increased indoor air quality through low-emitting materials and increased ventilation rates.
- Family/visitor accommodations encourage the presence of a patient advocate.