Urogynecology – Bladder & Pelvic Health Services
Our urogynecology experts specialize in treating pelvic floor disorders and other related issues. These are highly personal conditions that women are often hesitant to talk about and can have a significant impact on their day-to-day lives.
Conditions treated include:
- Prolapse (cystocele, rectocele, uterovaginal prolapse, vaginal vault prolapse)
- Urinary incontinence
- Fecal incontinence (stool or gas)
- Overactive bladder
- Urinary frequency/urgency
- Dysuria
- Nocturnal enuresis
- Interstitial cystitis / Bladder Pain Syndrome
- Dyspareunia
- Microscopic hematuria
- Fistula (vaginal, bladder, or rectal)
- Pessary management
- Frequent or recurrent urinary tract infections
- Vulvodynia
- Lichen sclerosus
- InterStim management
- Problems healing after vaginal delivery
- Mesh complications
Pelvic floor disorders affect the muscles, ligaments and nerves that support the bladder, vagina, rectum and uterus. These disorders can affect women of all ages and can be an obstacle to enjoying everyday life.
Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction include leakage of urine or stool, difficulty urinating or moving your bowels, a dropped vagina, bladder, uterus or rectum, sexual pain and pelvic pain. While these symptoms are more common as women age, the pelvic floor can be damaged by childbirth, surgery, heavy lifting or chronic disease.
However, these symptoms are not a normal part of aging and should be discussed with a doctor for possible treatment options or referral to a urogynecologist. A urogynecologist has received special training in how to provide the highest quality care for pelvic floor disorders. Treatment often includes physical therapy and medications with surgical and non-surgical options available depending on your needs and preferences.
To read more about pelvic floor disorders, click here: https://www.voicesforpfd.org/
- Pessary placement and teaching
- Botox injections into the bladder or pelvic floor muscles
- Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) for overactive bladder
- Cystoscopy
- Urodynamic testing
- Bladder instillations
Call today to schedule an appointment: 616.252.4410. No referral necessary.
Call (616) 252-4410 to Schedule