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Stroke Rehabilitation

Stroke is a leading contributor to disability in the United States. UM Health-West is dedicated to helping survivors attain the best quality of life possible by connecting them to the team of therapy specialists in our Steve & Cindy Van Andel Center for Restorative Care.

Physical therapists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and nurses work closely with patients to help them relearn skills that were lost when part of the brain was damaged. Common issues may include problems with walking, speaking, swallowing, seeing or feeling.

Our approach to rehabilitation is expert, immediate and aggressive. Sometimes a consultation with a psychiatrist is also recommended.

Our discharge planning team, consisting of nurse case managers and social workers, helps patients and their family determine a safe plan for after release from the hospital. While some stroke survivors go directly home, others may require additional recuperation time in another inpatient setting. Additional outpatient therapy is often highly recommended.

UM Health-West offers outpatient therapy at locations throughout West Michigan.

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