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Sleep Medicine Center

Our Experts

Our sleep medicine physicians are board-certified and many have additional specialties, including pulmonary and internal medicine.

Sleep Medicine Referrals

Connect with the experts at University of Michigan Health-West Adult and Pediatric Patients can be referred via: Epic Care Link Online Portal EpicCare Link is a web-based application that is available to referring physician offices. It provides access to a view-only version of our Epic application and aids in following the progress of care for Read More

Effects of Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders can raise your chances of experiencing high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and obesity. Sleep deprivation also can: Decrease performance and alertness Decrease memory and cognitive ability Reduce your quality of life Increase your chances of injury One of the most common sleep disorders is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which causes your airway Read More

The Epworth Sleepiness Scale

How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to just feeling tired? Use the following scale to choose the most appropriate number (0-3) for each situation. If you haven’t recently experienced one of these situations, go ahead and predict how your body might react. Scale No chance Read More

Sleep Medicine Center

Whether you can’t stay awake during the day or can’t stay asleep at night, our experts are here to help, because healthy sleep is essential to overall wellbeing. The experienced staff at the UM Health-West Sleep Medicine Center will listen to your concerns, conduct tests and provide treatment for all types of chronic sleep disorders Read More