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Giving Patients and Families a Voice

Our community knows best about how patients want to receive and experience care.  That’s why the Patient and Family Advisory Councils were created.

Our Patient and Family Advisory Councils are a productive way for patients, families and caregivers to partner with a healthcare system to provide guidance on improving the patient and family experience.

University of Michigan Health-West has several active PFACs at our primary care locations and one council that encompasses our hospital based care.


Primary Care PFACs

  • Format of patient billing statements
  • Social determinants of health screening tool
  • Outpatient pre-op surgical instructions
  • Use of electronic kiosk check-in at practice sites
  • Community feedback provided to the Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

UM Health-West Hospital PFAC

  • Television programming in the ED triage area was changed as members thought it may contribute to anxiety, pain and discomfort of patients and family members
  • Participation at the Farmer’s Market as a way to give back and recruit new members
  • Lighting in the main hospital lobby was increased due to concern that it was too dark after hours for waiting families.
  • Patient privacy concerns around the potential removal of inpatient privacy curtains
  • Implementation of a kiosk that offers basic needs for visitors (e.g. phone chargers, Tylenol, etc.)
  • The need for a Gift Shop
  • Clean up of the cigarette butts by the bus stop and professional building. This is now part of our lawn care services.
  • Health literacy review and recommendations for both the “Understanding Concussion and Mild Head Injury” brochure and pharmacy patient educational materials
  • Set visiting hours were removed from policies thus eliminating the overhead announcement. This allows for a more personalized plan of care.